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Nice Crucifix 12
Bronze and Copper Cross Larger Cross
Standing Crucifix
St Anthony Statue antique
Monk Wood Statue
Plaster Bust of Our Lady and Child
St Francis in Bronze with Votives
Porcelian Mary Statue with Child
Metal Bust of Mary
Plaster Bust of Christ
Larger St Francis Statue with Wolf
Porcelian Mary Statue 1950s
Larger Mary Statue with Backdrop
St Therese Statue in Porcelian
Japanese Porcelian Mary Bust
St Anthony Statue Antique
Nice Pieta Statue Antique
Beautiful Bust of mary
Mary Bust Antique Plaster
Beautiful Our Lady of Grace
Beautiful infant of Prague
Antique Metal Cross
Brass Metal Cross
Wood Wall Cross Antique
Wood Antique Cross
Antique Black Cross
Antique Brass Cross
Larger Enlaid Crucifix
Brass on Glass Crucifix
Beautiiful Antique Cross
Larger Porcelian Infant of Prague
Nice Brass Crucifix
Antique St Therese Statue
Plaster Statue of Mary
Antique larger holy family
nice Our Lady of grace
Walnut Crucifix
Nice brass Crucifix
Antique larger Crucifix
Religious Resin Images Stained Glass Look Like
Antique Crucifix
Tin Crucifixes set.
Ebony Inlaid Crucifix Antique
Antique Larger St Joseph Statue. Very Nice.
Wall Reliefs of Sacred heart and Sorrowful Mother
Large Sacred Heart Statue
Porcelian Antique Mary Statue
Antique Wall Reliefs of Mary and Christ