We have saved three of these over the years including this one. Restored to a church in Lousianna.
From Ohio Church to Kansas Church
Marble Altar From Baltimore, MD parish to PA parish
Bronze and Marble Railing installed from Architectural Salvage to St Ignatius Church
From Archectural Salvage to Catholic Church in Conn. St Ignatius
Catholic Pulpit to Anglican Church in Wisconsin
New York Church to Canadian Church
PA Church pews to North Carolina Catholic Church
Marble Pulpit from NY to Catholic church in Canada

to catholic church in canada.
Wood Carved angel grouping from Storage unit to St Michaels Catholic Church

reworked to be utilized in daily chapel
1850's Belgian Altar Saved

Restored to Sacred Heart in OK
Cincinatti, OH to Italy

Another Beautiful altar we provided restored and back int use
Antique Pulpit From Antique Store to St Mary's Catholic Church South Dakota
St Patricks Catholic Church Archbishop Sheens first Parish to Dominican Sisters.
Annunciation Catholic Church to Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Canada
Purgatorial Altar to restoration Artist.
St Catherines Catholic Church to St Anthony's Church New Jersey
Marble Altars Salvaged from St. Mary's Hospital, refabricated and installed in Franciscan Convent
Stunning Romanesque Altars for moved from Scranton PA to Pittsburgh, PA
From Antique Stores, storage and closed church to Italy, The good Friars restored these beautiful altars for use. (see next three)
Belgium Convent to Chicago Church

Nice little 150 year old altar saved and returned to church in Chicago. Shows installed below.
From Dallas Texas Trailer Storage to St Theresa's New York

This altar was saved from a storage trailer in Texas and reinstalled in a church in New York
Stunning altar from Lutheran Church in Chicago to Catholic Church in Springfield, MO

Complete Church contents to Church/Retirement in Minnesota

Very beautiful pieces.
Wisconsin to Ontario CA Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Stunning oak altars
From CT to Detriot, MI St Anthony's

Ohio To Kentucky

This altar was sold to a church in Kentucky
BOSTON MA to KANSAS CITY, MO We disassembled these altars and reinstalled them.
French St Francis Cabrini Altar to OSMM in Vandalia IL

This stunning altar was rescued by Our Sorrowful Mothers Ministry in Vandalia, IL. The altar was restored as seen in the photo below.
1850's Belgium To Chicago Catholic CHurch

This altar was imported from Belgium and delivered to a church in Chicago to be once again used as an altar. Shows installed below
St Jerome Catholic Church received altars Removed from Scranton, PA and we modified and installed them

Stunning altars broken down, modified and installed. These are plaster altars which required special handling, special removal and reinstallation procedures.
St. Rose Phillipine Duschene Kansas City, Kansas

We were hired to build the church wainscotting in the sanctuary, install an antique communion railing and make from straight to dog leg around the sanctuary and make it look like it was built that way, antique railing for the choir loft was refabricated and installed and new bent wood filled in where the antique railing did not work, we took old pew frontals and made a railing around the baptistry along with a gate and we also installed a beautiful vesting cabinet.
New Jersey

A stunning installation of used altars and the building of two matching side altars
Stunning Altar to be sent to Sacred Heart Tonga, South Pacific

A special group of church goers came from Tonga South Pacific to buy this stunning altar for their church . It will be a stunning installation. Stay tuned for an updated photo. See below picture to see it in its new installed position in the South Pacific
Minnesota Church to Kentucky

Stunning altar restored to new church in Kentucky.
From Antique Store to North Carolina Church

Being rebuilt. Stunning piece
Large Plaster Altar and side altars

From Scranton to St Jerome Catholic Church
From Muscoda, WI Lutheran Church Museum to Catholic Church in Ok

Installed in Sacred Heart Crescent OK. Pic shows installed images
Greek Orthodox Altar

This altar was at a liquidator and was purchased and refitted for use as a high altar for A Catholic Church in OK.

This stunning 8ft Marble mary statue was abandoned in a storage unit for 20 years. To be discovered, sold to a church.

Lutheran Church to Catholic Church in Wisconsin

Beautiful Altar from Lutheran church to Catholic Church
Closed Abandoned Church, 2 altars to Franciscan Friars

Stunning set of altars were abandoned in an old church. These were rescued and are awaiting reinstallation.
Closed church in Pa to St John the Apostle

Stunning back mosaic altar.
Side Altars from Abandoned church to Priests Private Residence and Jubillee Museum .

Plaster altars abandoned and saved.
Broken Down from Pittsburgh, PA and stored in the Diocese to be reused

There was a set of beautiful pieces.
Antique Store to Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Calgary, CA

This stunning little altar was discovered in an antique store and returned to a catholic church after it was fully restored.
Church in PA to Church in New York

This altar has been saved to wait for installation.
Complete Church in WI to St Joan of Arc in Seattle, WA

This entire church contents was left behind 30 years ago when the church closed. The entire church was intact. St Joan bought the items and returned all the items to use.
Detriot, Mi to Waiting to Install

Three major altars were removed from this downtown Detroit Church. They are currently still waiting for installation
St Louis Storage to Pius V Church WI

Main altar restored and returned to church of Pius V

Marble altar left behind at a PA church. It was rescued and restored to a Holy Redeemer in NC
From St Mary's Hospital to Franciscan Convent

This stunning micro mosaic altar was rescued from a old Catholic hospital destined to be destroyed to make room for the Federal Reserve. This altar along with two side altars, 22 doors, marble slabs and antique treatments was returned to Catholic use and now has a home.

This huge 7ft marble statue of Our Lady of Pompeii was found in antique store after it was abandoned in a old church. The church was demolished. This statue was bought as salvage and remained at the antiques store for some years. We were able to help it find a new Catholic Home in a New Jersey Catholic Covent. This was one of our first ventures almost 12 years ago.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Church To St Anthony's Catholic Church New Jersey

This confessional was part of an entire church contents that was purchased by a renovating Catholic Church in New Jersey
This 1830s Irish Confessional Ft Lauderdale, Fl Auction to Private Catholic Resident Chapel

This confessional was used in a bar for many years in Florida. The Bar closed and the items went up for auction. This item was picked up shortly after by a auctioneer who in turn could not sell it at his auction. It finally went to a good Catholic Private Resident Chapel who still use it to this day for its proper intention.
Antique Store/ Private Collection to St. Mary's Catholic Church

This pulpit was rescued and matched the original pulpit this church. IN the foreground you can see the rescued rail from St. Elizabeth's in New Hampshire that was also rescued from a private owner.
St Brigid's Catholic Church to Ecuador Catholic Church

This beautiful set of altars was sent to Ecuador to finish a church that was being constructed there.
Michigan to Benedictine Sisters in Gower, Mo

This railing was found in a church basement that sat there for years. It was returned to service to the Benedictine Sisters in Gower, Mo.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Church New Hampshire to St Mary's Catholic Church South Dakota

This beautiful Gothic railing was saved after it was abandoned after St Elizabeth's was decommissioned in New Hampshire. It was rescued and returned to St Mary's Catholic Church in South Dakota.
Chinese Restaurant to Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Indianpolis

This beautiful railing has quite a story. It was originally in a church in 1870s in San Francisco. It was sold to a Chinese Restaurant in Beverly Hills in the 1970s. It was then removed in 2003 during a remodel and sold St Holy Rosary Catholic Church where it was restored, refitted and installed by us. See Projects.
STORAGE to Shrine of the Infant of Prague, Prague, OK

This stunning railing was in storage for 20 years. It was purchased 3 years ago and installed in the Shrine of the Infant of Prague in Prague, OK.
Made New for St Anthony's Catholic Church
altar railing, ambo and presiders chairs
Gorgeous Altar Set up returned to use
Gorgeous Altar Railing saved and returned to Ohio Church
Wrought Iron Railing From Pa Convent to Michigan Church
Johnstown Pa to Sacred Heart Catholic Church Salisbury, NC
1870s ST Patrick's Catholic CHurch Remodel to Christ the King Catholic Church Sarasota, FL

This beautiful railing was reconfigured and restored for Christ the King Catholic Church in Sarasota, FL. It came out of the oldest Catholic Church in Kansas City, Mo. St Patricks. St Patrick's was remodeled, restoring the church
2 Altars from Antique Store to Italian Friary

This beautiful set of altars was rescued from an antique store and returned to service in Italy.
Wisconsin to Holy Trinity Catholic Church Brainerd, NE

These three sets of altars were saved. They were dismantled and reinstalled in Holy Trinity in Brainerd, NE
Scranton, PA to St Rose Catholic Church Kansas

This altar set was disassembled by us and brought to Kansas City to be used in the Latin Mass Community Church of St. Rose.
Our Lady of Algona -Chicago, IL to Holy Rosary Catholic Church Indianpolis, IN

This altar was left over and ran out of options in Chicago, IL. Luckily it was dismantled, reworked and reinstalled by us in Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Indianpolis, In. See. Projects.
St. Elizabeth's South Dakota to St Anthony's Catholic Church New Jersey

These church artifacts were abandoned in South Dakota and the property sold to a private party. The private party contacted me for disposal of the items and we were able to relocate all of the pieces to St Anthony's Catholic Church in New Jersey where everything was restored. We installed all the pieces and made a railing and sanctuary seating to match.
Philadelphia, PA Shrine to St Anne Catholic Church Fargo, ND

Beautiful Shrine altar was reconstructed in one of the largest churches built in ND in the last few years.
St Joseph's Catholic Church N. Fondulac, Wi to St John the Baptist Wagner, Sd

St John was dismantled in the 1960s and left with no statuary, no architectural pieces and only pews and a simple altar. The current pastor bought this altar and hand us install it in his church. It was stunning to be able to bring back the architecture the church needed. This altar was abandoned.
Wisconsin to Michigan to the Sisters in Ann Arbor Cemetery

These altars were brought to the Cemetery at the Dominican Sisters in Ann Arbor. They installed them in their cemetery.
Antique Store to Italian Friary

This altar was pulled from an antique store who was going to part it out and sell it in pieces. Luckily it was purchased in time and was restored for a Friary in Italy.
Johnstown, PA to Madison, WI

These beautiful altars were dismantled by us and documented to be installed in the future in Madison, WI
Lutheran Church in Minnesota to Jubilee Museum, OH

This altar was preserved by the Jubilee Museum in Ohio. Thank you to Fr. Lutz for preserving this history.

Fransician Friars purchased this altar and restored in for their Friary in Italy.
Mass. to Infant of Prague Shrine, Prague, OK

This beautiful little marble altar was dismantled and preserved after it was abandoned in the church for which it sat. The new owners wanted to preserve the church legacy and we were able to find a good home for it at the Shrine of the Infant of Prague.
Youngstown, OH to Nebraska

This altar set, a set of three, was sold to a church in Nebraska that was building new. While the altars will no longer be used in their current configuration at least the heritage of the pieces will live on in a new Catholic Church.
Lutheran Church, Fondulac, WI to St Peter Catholic Church Hackberry, LA

Altar was dismantled along with a matching pulpit, hymnal boards and other pieces. The altar was modified to accept a tabernacle and was sent to a church in Hackberry LA to be used for worship there. The church was rebuilt after Katrina.
Scranton, PA to St Bernadette Catholic Church Miami Florida

This beautiful little altar was sent to a new parish being built in Miami Florida named after St Bernadette.
FROM BAR to St Mary's Catholic Church in Timberlake, SD

This beautiful little altar was originally in St Joseph's Convent in Brooklyn, NY. It was sold through a series of antique collectors and in that time converted to a bar and used as such for a long time. When it came up for sale again, Fynders Keepers Brokerage and the current owners wished it could go back to another church for which it finally did.
Scranton PA St Joseph's Catholic Church to St. Gabriel Catholic Church Marlboro, NJ

This altar replaced a very inexpensive altar. We also constructed two matching side altars to match.
ANTIQUE STORE to Latin Mass Community Chicago, IL

This altar was returned to use after years and years of coming over from Europe, sitting in storage. Through the years it lost some pieces. The Latin Mass Community in Chicago, IL asked us to reconfigure the altar back to its original condition and install it in Crypt for Latin Mass use in Chicago. See its reconfigure on Projects.
Seattle, WA Church to St Marks Catholic Church in Highlands Ranch Colorado

This beautiful altar was abandoned for about 30 years in Seattle Church that was falling down. This altar was rescued and reassembled in the Historical Church at the complex of Highlands Ranch.
Kansas Church Storage to Italian Friary

This beautiful altar was in storage for approximately 10 years before being rescued and sent to Italy to be used in a Catholic Friary
Illinois Church to Our Sorrowful Mothers Ministries Vandalia, IL

This railing sat in storage for the last 40 years. It was finally returned to service when Our Sorrowful Mothers Ministries in Vandalia, IL needed an altar rail. We restored it and gold leafed it.
Minnesota Farm Shed to Italian Friary

This altar was in storage for 40 years in a barn in Minnesota. It was purchased in 2012 to be restored and used in a Italian Friary.
New York, North American Martyrs Shrine to Church in New York.

This altar was purchased from the North American Martyrs Shrine Minor Seminary. It currently is in storage and waiting a new home.
Scranton, PA to St Mary's in Illinois

This beautiful altar set of three was dismantled by us and was eventually reinstalled in the reconfigured sanctuary of St Mary's in Illinois.
OAK RAILING MICHIGAN to St Rose Catholic Church KS

This beautiful altar was in storage for many years and then returned to use this year 2012. It will be used for the Latin Mass Community.
Escondido, CA to Jubilee Museum OHIO

This beautiful 1850s European French Altar was used as a cash register stand in a California Interior Design Studio. It was purchased by Fr. Lutz at the Jubilee Museum to be rescued. Its been out of the church for more than 60 years.
St Louis, Mo Liquor Store Romanesque Altar Set in Oak To Fr. Lutz Jubilee Museum

This altar set was saved in thanks to Fr. Lutz at the Jubilee Museum. It was in a St. Louis Liquor store for the past 20 years. There were two side altars and parts for which Fr. Lutz was able to return one side altar to a convent and the rest remains to find a church home
St Louis, Mo Liquor Store Romanesque Altar Set in Oak To Fr. Lutz Jubilee Museum

This altar set was saved in thanks to Fr. Lutz at the Jubilee Museum. It was in a St. Louis Liquor store for the past 20 years. There were two side altars and parts for which Fr. Lutz was able to return one side altar to a convent and the rest remains to find a church home

This beautiful altar has remained at a farm in Iowas for many years. It was finally returned to active duty at an Italian Friary in 2012.